Sunday, February 7, 2010


Movie: The Hurt Locker
Jan's Rating: 8
Time: 2 hours 10 Minutes

Jan's Opinion: I didn't see this one when it was out because I didn't think I would like it but since it has been nominated for several awards, I decided to rent it, so Dave and I watched it this afternoon and enjoyed it, though some parts were hard to watch. Had to make sure to get it in before the Super Bowl! Jeremy Renner, whom I have never heard of, did a great job of acting in this movie. Interesting case you didn't know....the director of The Hurt Locker, Kathryn Bigelow, is the ex-wife of James Cameron, the director of Avitar. When you watch this war movie, or any other war movie, you have to wonder how these guys are able to do what they do there, and then come home and live a normal life. The scariest part of their job is not knowing where the road-side bombs are planted. One of my favorite charities is Disabled American Veterans just because of how they risk their lives every day so we can live in a free country. The movie is definitely worth seeing just to remind us how much we owe these brave men.

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