Sunday, July 6, 2008


Movie: The World's Fastest Indian
Jan's Rating: 9
Time: 127 Minutes

Jan's Opinion: We didn't see this movie when it was out in the theaters and our daughter Dyan kept telling us to rent it but I couldn't find it for a long time, then yesterday was at Block Busters and someone took the time to help me look and they had one copy so of course I rented it. This was such a sweet and wonderful movie that it just made you feel good. It is taken from a true story in the late 1960's in New Zealand. Anthony Hopkins plays the role of "Burt", who owns a classic Indian Scout Motorcycle that he has spent years perfecting. He wants to race it in the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah and the story is about what it took for him to get there and then get in the race. Loved it!

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