Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Movie: Iron Lady
Jan's Rating: C+
Time: 1 hour 45 minutes

Jan's Opinion: My friend Laura and I saw this movie today and both gave it a C+. However, Meryl Streep's portrayal of Margaret Thatcher deserves an A+! What an incredible actress she is. The movie starts out slow and we both kept dozing off. It bounces back and forth between an old Margaret Thatcher and her memorories of when she was younger and was Prime Minister, showing the good and the bad. When she did well, they loved her but when the country wasn't doing well, they hated her. Kind of sounds like the United States. Anyway, the story was a bit boring at times but the acting was something special to see. She definitely deserves the Oscar this year, and her makeup artist also deserves an award.

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