Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Movie:  One Day
Jan's Rating:  C  (I am switching over from numbers to letters)
Time:  1 Hour 47 Minutes

Jan's Opinion:  Cousin Bonnie and I went to see this movie today, wanted to see it before it leaves town.  We both enjoyed it though it started out slowly.  However, there is a shocker at the end that will make you gasp.  Anne Hathaway is a young woman just out of school living in London and hoping to be a famous author but realizes she has to do something to make money so she waits tables for a few years, goes back to school and gets her degree, gets a teaching job, then starts writing her book.  She has a male friend all these years that is her best friend but she is also in love with him and it takes 20 years before they really connect with one another.  The accent was very British and hard to understand at times when they spoke fast.   Overall, it was a fairly good movie.

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