Friday, September 30, 2011


Movie:  Moneyball
Jan's Rating:  B
Time:  2 hours 6 Minutes

Jan's Review:  Cousin Bonnie and I saw this movie yesterday because it has received such rave reviews and we had to agree, it was a good movie.  Brad Pitt might even be up for an Oscar for the starring role as the General Manager of the Oakland A's.  He's tired of playing by the rules and letting the big wigs tell him who he should hire for his team.  He can only pay around $275,000 per player and the better teams are paying over a million.  He and his Asst. G.M. find a new way to pick their players, much to the chagrin of everyone else.  This is a true story, which makes it even more interesting.  What is even nicer is that it is not a chick flick so the guys will enjoy it too!

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