Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Movie:  The Debt
Jan's Rating:  4
Time:  1 hour 44 Minutes (seemed longer)

Jan's Opinion:  I did not like this movie at all.  Cousin Bonnie and I saw it today and neither of us cared for it.  Helen Miran did a superb job acting but that is all I can say for it.  I know some people enjoyed it but it is not my kind of movie.  However, I might have enjoyed it if they had started at the beginning and let the story evolve but they kept going back and forth which I don't like.  You never know what year it is or what country they are in which makes it difficult to follow.  I found it very confusing.  At the end they tell you what countries they were in and what years but they needed to tell you that during the story.  Then the ending leaves you up in the air not knowing if she lived or died.  My advice to you if you want to see the movie is to look it up on the internet and read about it before you see the movie, then it won't be so confusing to you.

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