Friday, January 10, 2014


Movie:  American Hustle
Jan's Rating:  C+
Time:  2 hours 9 minutes

Jan's Opinion:  I saw this movie today with my friend, Patty, and we both were in agreement that we were disappointed in the movie.  I knew that the story was taken loosely from a true happening in 1978 when scam artists caused a huge political scandal in New Jersey.  However, the movie does not start out with any details to set the stage for the story but just dives in with the scandal.  Also, as I have mentioned before, I am really turned off by movies that use the "F" word one or two times in every sentence.  It isn't necessary to make a movie better, but rather makes it worse....for me anyway.  I will say that the acting was excellent by Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams, and Jennifer Lawrence.  They should be up for an Oscar, but not the movie.   Just my opinion folks!

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