Sunday, June 23, 2013


Movie:  The Internship
Jan's Rating:  C+
Time:  1 Hour 59 Minutes

Jan's Opinion:  I took my 14-year old grandson to see this movie and he gave it a rating of "A".  I think he was too generous.  It was a cute movie, but I did doze off a couple of times because it got boring, so I gave it a C+.  Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson both lose their jobs and apply for an internship with Google.  The people applying are separated into two groups.  The winning group will get a job with Google.  Since Vince and Owen are the oldest on their team, the other kids tease them about their age and act superior as they live their lives through their cell phones.  The lesson I took away from this movie is that the two older guys taught the younger ones in their class that they could actually have a good time without their cell phones and interacting with real people.  We came out of the movie and two young theater workers were sitting on the floor texting on their cell phones while waiting to clean up the theater.  I told them they should watch the movie.

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