Friday, June 28, 2013


Movie:  The Heat
Jan's Rating:  A - Dave's Rating:  B+
Time:  1 Hour 57 Minutes

Jan's Opinion:  My husband and I saw this movie today and we both loved it.  The previews are funny and the movie is even funnier.  When you put two people like Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy together, you don't know what to expect but you know it is a good combination.  Sandra works for the FBI and Melissa is a cop in Boston, where Sandra goes to chase down a killer.  I would love to be able to take my grandson to see it because he would love it, but Melissa's language is downright filthy and my grandson doesn't need to hear that.  Sandra remains a "lady" with her language until near the end and then she loses it.  It really is hilarious.

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