Saturday, March 2, 2013


Movie:  Life of Pi
Jan's Rating:  B
Time:  2 Hours 7 Minutes

Jan's Opinion:  Cousin Bonnie and I saw this movie today and frankly, I would have given the movie and acting an "A" rating except for the starving animals eating each other.  I just couldn't watch.  Not to mention the father of Pi deciding to teach him a lesson about what would happen if he got too close to the tiger.....the father tied a baby goat to the gate so he couldn't run away and the tiger ate him alive, pulling him through the bars.  If I hadn't been there with Bonnie, I would have left then.  As you probably know already, Pi and his family are on a large sailing vessel when they encounter a terrible storm.  The only ones to survive are Pi, a sweet zebra, the tiger, and some large cat that was hungry and mean!  I won't tell you anymore but it gets ugly on that raft because the animals are so hungry.  I was shocked to see the rating is just PG.  I can't imagine young children watching this movie!  I'll leave it up to you whether you want to see it or not. 

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