Monday, January 7, 2013


Movie:  Parental Guidance
Jan's Rating:  B-
Time:  1 hour 44 Minutes

Jan's Opinion:  Cousin Bonnie and I saw this movie today, a cute comedy, and we both liked it.  Billy Crystal and Bette Midler have one daughter who is married with 3 children and they haven't seen them in 10 months.  Suddenly, Bette Midler answers the phone and it's her daughter asking if they can come to their house (I think in Georgia) and babysit so she can go with her husband out of town on business.  The funny part is that Bette and Billy raised their children like we oldsters did, but their daughter is raising her children to never near a negative word, so you can't say no, don't, won't, etc., and....there are no "outs" at the ball game because they don't want to hurt the child's feelings who strikes out.  That really is hard for us oldsters to swallow.  Anyway, anything that can go wrong, does go wrong, and the kids end up falling in love with their grandparents.  It is a sweet story.

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