Saturday, October 22, 2011


Movie:  Dolphin Tale
Jan's Rating:  A
Time:  1 Hour 53 Minutes

Jan's Opinion:  My daughter, Michele and grandson, Danny, went with me to see this movie today and we all gave it an "A"!  We LOVED it!  It keeps your emotions on a roller coaster from happy to sad and back to happy again.  The movie is taken from a true story about a dolphin who got tangled up in a trap and landed on the beach in Clearwater, FL.  A young boy and the marine hospital help the dolphin get its life back, even though it lost it's tail.  Ashley Judd plays the boy's Mother; Harry Connick, Jr. plays the head of the marine hospital, and Kris Kristofferson plays the boy's grandfather.  The dolphin, named "Winter", is on display at the marina in Clearwater for everyone to visit.  It was a beautiful story and know you will enjoy it also.

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