Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Movie: Burlesque
Jan's Rating: 9
Time: 1 Hour 45 Minutes

Jan's Opinion: My friend Irene and I went to see Burlesque and thoroughly enjoyed it. You have probably seen the previews on TV but if you haven't, Cher plays "Tess" the Madam and owner of "Burlesque". Cher sings two songs during the movie and her voice is as strong as ever. The main character in the movie is Kristen Bell who sings and dances. The other girls are dancers. Christina Alguilera has just moved to LA from Iowa and wants a job dancing at Burlesque. She is first hired as a server and memorizes all the dances so when the opportunity arises, she is given a chance to dance, and then sing, and what a beautiful voice she has! The movie was very entertaining and "almost" as good as Dream Girls.

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