Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Movie: Please Give
Jan's Rating: 6
Time: 1 Hour 30 Minutes

Jan's Opinion: The Enquirer gave this movie an "A-" rating so again we disagree. My friend, Laura, and I went to see this movie today at the Esquirer in Clifton, which is the only place in Cincinnati it is playing. Catherine Keener and Oliver Platt are a married couple living in an apartment in NYC. They have a daughter who has a bad case of acne and going through those teenage years that no parent wants to re-live. Next door to them is an elderly woman who lives with her two Grandaughters, one of which is Amanda Peet. Their Grandma is not a very pleasant woman, to put it mildly. The married couple next door (Catherine and Oliver) own an antique shop and they watch the obits for people to die and then buy their belongings real cheap and sell them for a lot more of course. I thought it was a bit boring and dozed off a couple of times. If you want to see this one, my advice would be to wait until it comes out on video instead of paying full price at the movies.

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