Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Movie:  Delivery Man
Jan's Rating:  B-
Time:  1 Hour 45 Minutes

Jan's Opinion:  I saw this movie today with my sister, Judy, and Cousin Bonnie.  Bonnie gave the movie an "A", Judy gave it a "B" and I gave it a "B-".  I fell asleep several times which means it didn't hold my interest.  I understand the Enquirer gave it a very good rating, an "A" I think...... The movie is taken from a true story of a guy who donated his sperm to a sperm bank OFTEN when he was younger.  It seems that since he had good DNA, the sperm bank gave out mostly his sperm and no one else's.  Consequently, he finds that he fathered 533 children.  A fourth of them have formed a club and are trying to find out who their father is.  He is known only at "Starbuck".  It was a cute movie, but a little bit silly for my taste.

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