Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Movie:  Won't Back Down
Jan's Rating:  B+
Time:  2 Hours 1 Minute

Jan's Opinion:  I am a sucker for these feel-good movies!  Cousin Bonnie and I saw this movie today and we both rated it a B+, enjoyed it very much.  Maggie Gyllenhaal plays a Mother whose 3rd grade daughter has dyslexia and the school she attends does nothing to help her learn to read.  Viola Davis is a teacher in this school and her son is a slow learner and has the same problem.  Maggie is finally fed up with the school system and asks Viola to help her start a new school.  Naturally there was a lot of opposition because the teachers with tenure didn't want to give this up.  The ladies didn't give up and the story that follows will melt your heart.  Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

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