Saturday, February 11, 2012


Movie: The Vow
Jan's Rating: B+
Time: 1 Hour 44 Minutes

Jan's Opinion: Cousin Bonnie and I went to see this movie yesterday and we both really enjoyed it. Rachel McAdams is a darling girl and Channing Tatum is the new heartthrob among young women. It's just a shame these two can't be married in real life. In the beginning of the movie, they are in a car accident which leaves Rachel with amnesia. She remembers going to college but nothing after that, including getting married to Channing. It's a story of her struggles with amnesia and learning to love Channing again, though I don't know why that would be so hard to do. This movie was taken from a true story and at the end of the movie, they show the real couple and their 2 children. Go see it, you'll enjoy it too.

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