Saturday, August 13, 2011


Movie: The Beginners
Jan's Rating: 4 (I'm being generous)
Time: 1 Hour 40 Minutes

Jan's Opinion: My friend Laura and I went to see this movie at the Esquire last night expecting a good comedy because that is what the trailers made you think it was. However, it was anything but funny and was in fact a big disappointment. Christopher Plummer (only known actor in the movie) "comes out" when he is in his 70's after his wife dies, gets a young boyfriend, then gets cancer and how he (and his son) deal with that. Not exactly the feel-good movie of the year. My advice is to save your money and don't see this one. This is the 2nd dud I have seen in a week - Snow Flower and the Secret Fan being the last one. Come on Hollywood, can't you do better than that???

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