Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Movie: Super 8
Jan's Rating: 9
Time: 1 Hour 52 Minutes

Jan's Opinion: I took my Grandson to see this movie yesterday and Cousin Bonnie joined us. Well, Cousin Bonnie did not like the movie because it scared her so she gave it a "5" rating; Danny LOVED it and gave it a "10"; I really liked it and gave it a 9. I have to admit, I would not have gone to see this movie if it hadn't been for my Grandson but I did enjoy it. The kids starring in his movie did a great job of acting, most of whom had not ever been in a film before. Elle Fanning (Dakota's sister) especially impressed me. As the movie starts off, they are shooting their own Super 8 movie when they witness a terrible train crash and mysterious happenings that they decide to investigate. You will be on the edge of your seat, most of the movie. I have bruises from Cousin Bonnie grabbing my arm.....if that tells you anything.....

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