Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Movie: The Fighter
Jan's Rating: 9
Time: 1 Hour 56 Minutes

Jan's Opinion: Cousin Bonnie and I went to see this movie yesterday and we enjoyed it very much. Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale play brothers in this movie and Christian (a druggie) is trying to train Mark to be a fighter. Their Mother definitely controls the whole family, including 6 (I think) grown daughters who still live at home and most look older than their Mother. They are a strange, dysfunctional, vulgar family. The real star in this movie is Christian Bale, who is up for Best Supporting Actor and has a good possibility of winning. I have never understood why men want to box each other and get hurt. My mind hasn't changed about that, but I do recommend the movie. A few less F-words and I would have given it a "10".

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