Friday, January 1, 2010


Movie: Up in the Air
Jan's Rating: 7
Time: 1 Hour 49 Minute

My hubby Dave and I saw this movie New Year's Eve and we really enjoyed it except for the ending. I hate movies that don't have a happy ending. The movie actually started out kind of slow and I thought it was going to be boring but we soon got into it. George Clooney is so handsome that if he did anything wrong you wouldn't see it! George flies so much for his job that he doesn't have a home. He finally makes the Ten Million Mile Club but by then, he isn't as happy with his accomplishment as he thought he would be. We really liked the gals who played his girlfriend and work associate, though we had never heard of them before. We recommend this movie and hope you won't be as put off by the ending as we were. I would have given it a "9" if it had ended differently.

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