Saturday, April 12, 2008


Movie: Nim's Island
Jan's Rating: 8-1/2
Time: 95 Minutes

Jan's Opinion: I knew I would love this movie! With a cast like Jodie Foster and Abigail Breslin, how could it be bad? Nim (played by Abigail Breslin) and her Dad live alone on an island and her only friends are a seal, an iguana and a pelican. Nim loves to read adventure books, especially by an author named Alex (Jodie Foster). When Nim's Dad doesn't come home from a 2-day outing, Nim contacts Alex via e-mail and when Alex hears that Nim is on the island alone and has a bad cut on her leg, she decides to go to the island to help. I continue to be in awe of Abigail Breslin's excellent acting ability for a young girl 11 years old. She is also growing up to be a very beautiful young lady.

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