Sunday, March 2, 2008


Movie: No Country for Old Men
Jan's Rating: 6
Time: 122 Minutes

Jan's Opinion: My husband and I went to see this movie yesterday and we're still trying to figure out why this movie got an Oscar for best movie of the year. Did we miss something? I assume there's going to be a sequel since the bad guy is still loose. I will give them an "A" for not using the "F" word in every sentence. The movie was very violent-----maybe that's what we give Oscars for these days. Javier Bardem (the bad guy) won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in this movie. I don't get that either because I didn't see the expression change on his face the whole movie. Josh Brolin had the best role and should have won Best Supporting Actor. At least he acted! Tommy Lee Jones had a good role as an aging Texas sheriff, but he was out of his realm chasing this bad guy. I probably would have enjoyed this movie if it hadn't won an Oscar because I kept looking for the reason why, and I never found it.

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