Sunday, July 21, 2013


Movie:  Girl Most Likely
Jan's Rating:  C+
Time:  1 hour 42 Minutes

Jan's Opinion:  I saw this movie today with Cousin Bonnie.  The only place it is playing is Mariemont but we like that little theater.  Kristen Wiig stars as a young woman living in New York as a playwright.  In the opening, her boyfriend breaks up with her and she is devastated.  She pretends to commit suicide and ends up in the psych ward of the hospital.  The doctor calls her mother, played by Annette Bening, whom she hasn't seen in years, and asks her to come get her daughter out of the hospital and keep her for 72 hours because the hospital doesn't have room for her.  Annette Bening plays the ding-bat mother who has a live-in boyfriend (Matt Dillon) who is as dingy as she is.  Kristen eventually realizes that the people she thought were her friends, only loved them selves and did not care about her.  Her brother, who is mentally slow, does still live with their mother, but he ends up having more common sense than his mother or sister.  We enjoyed the movie but it wasn't one of our favorites.

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