Sunday, April 7, 2013


Movie:  Killing Them Softly
Dave's Rating:  F
Time:  1 hour 37 Minutes

Dave's Opinion:  Jan watched 10 minutes of this movie and couldn't watch anymore so left the room.  I did watch the rest of the movie so here is my review:

I would call this movie "Killing Them (the viewers) First and end their Misery! 

This is 97 minutes of pure agony but it may have set a record for the use of the "F" word in a low-budget film, or any film for that matter.  I really loved the song with the same title, by Roberta Flack, and certainly have enjoyed past performances by Brad Pitt, but he stooped to a new low when he agreed to make this movie.  This 2012 film cost $15 million to make and then only grossed $35 million.  The story line does not exist and the acting is terrible!

May I end your agony now by suggesting you do not waste your money on this movie.  My rating is an "F".

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