Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Movie:  The Descendants
Jan's Rating:  B+
Time:  1 Hour 55 Minutes

Jan's Opinion:  I had heard from my friend Karen that the acting was very good in this movie but the storyline a little slow/lacking.  I saw this movie today with Cousin Bonnie and Bonnie was a little disappointed but maybe it was because the movie was built up so much so she expected more.  My opinion is that I loved the movie, the story, and the acting.  It was a very serious role for George Clooney being a father of two daughters, ages 10 and 17, and his wife is in the hospital in a coma.  I think he handled the girls and their hormonal temper tantrums very well, and he even cries in the movie.  However, I'm not sure his acting and crying was Oscar worthy.  It is definitely worth seeing, but don't expect so much and maybe you will enjoy it more.

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