Friday, September 30, 2011


Movie:  I Don't Know How She Does It
Jan's Rating:  B
Time:  1 hour 35 Minutes

Jan's Review:  I like just about everything that Sarah Jessica Parker is in and when you pair her with Greg Kinnear, you know there will be some sizzle.  Cousin Bonnie and I saw this movie today and we both enjoyed it very much.  The title is self-explanatory and you have probably seen previews on TV.  Sarah is married, has 2 children, and lives in a brownstone in Boston.  She is a financial planner for a bank and has to travel a lot for her job but thanks to a supportive husband and a nanny, she is able to juggle all of it and make it work.  However,  we could not figure out how this woman can run all over the city in high-heeled shoes!

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