Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Movie: Midnight in Paris
Jan's Rating: 8
Time: 1 Hour 34 Minutes

Jan's Opinion: Cousin Bonnie and I went to see this movie today and we both gave it an "8". I love Owen Wilson, Kathy Bates and Rachel McAdams so it would have had to be pretty bad for me not to like it. Owen is engaged to Rachel and they go to Paris with her parents, who do not approve of him. Owen falls in love with Paris and wants to move there but his snobby wife and her parents think it's a ridiculous idea. Owen is walking the streets of Paris one night with one too many drinks under his belt and is suddenly living in the 1920's where he meets famous writers such as Hemingway and artists such as Picasso. Then he would go back to his hotel (in the present with his fiance) and the next night he go back to the 1920's again. His life is forever changed from this experience but I don't want to tell you anymore and ruin it for you. Just go see it and enjoy it.

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