Friday, March 21, 2008


Movie: College Road Trip
Jan's Rating: 6-1/2
Time: 83 Minutes

Jan's Opinion: The Enquirer gave this movie a rating of D-, but it was definitely better than that. I seldom agree with the critics anyway. Martin Lawrence is the overly-protective father who wants his daughter to go to college 40 miles from home, but of course she chooses one that is 700 miles away, so they set off on a road trip to check out Georgetown University in Washington, DC. Though it was a miserable trip for father and daughter, it gave the audience quite a few laughs. Then enters Donny Osmond who also plays a father taking his daughter to check out colleges, and I don't know who had the most obnoxious role, father or daughter. I took my grandson to see this movie and he rated it a "10" but I think that's stretching it a bit.

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