Sunday, January 13, 2008


Movie: The Bucket List
Rating: 7
Time: 97 Minutes

Jan's Opinion: Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman are great in any movie and this one is no exception. The movie is half funny and half sad. Both men are diagnosed with cancer and have less than a year to live. Morgan Freemen is writing a Bucket List (things you want to do before you kick the bucket) and Jack Nicholson adds some things to the list, and since he is very wealthy, suggests they try to do all the things on the list before they die. The two men are great acting together, but the movie does give you pause to think about your own mortality, and that maybe you should do what they did, make up a Bucket List and start doing those things you have always wanted to do.

1 comment:

Dyan said...

So what's on your Bucket List, Jan? Mine includes having a great pet dog again and finding the balance between paying for all the travel in my Bucket List and still saving for retirement. xoxo